Upper Lachlan Shire Council Australia Day 2022

Australia Day Awards, Citizenship ceremony, Live Band "The Rich Pitcher", sausage sizzle, Aussie thong throwing, Jumping castle and plenty activities for kids.

Delivered by Upper Lachlan Shire Council


12:00 PM - 04:00 PM

26 January 2022


Crookwell Memorial Oval

Robertson St, Crookwell, NSW, 2583

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Free access

Upper Lachlan Shire Council presents a jam packed event with special guest The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) & Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley, he will be conducting Upper Lachlan Shire's Citizenship ceremony. 

Australia Day Ambassador Michael Tomalaris, SBS Sports commentator joins the celebration hosting the Australia Day awards. 

An event for the whole family with a traditional sausage sizzle put on from Crookwell Lions and Crookwell Rotary clubs. Something sweet perhaps? Country Woman's Association has you covered. 

Live performances from "The Rich Pitcher" Band during the afternoon, a jumping castle for the kids with arts and crafts activities available to them. Aussie thong throwing and and painting your very own plaster Aussie animal to take home. Bubble kits and egg and spoon races will be sure to keep the kids entertained for the afternoon. 

A COVID-19 safe event has been proudly supported by IGA, Lions Club Crookwell, Crookwell Rotary Club, NSW Rural Fire Service, Crookwell Fire Brigade with assistance from the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council and Department of Home Affairs. 





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